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The mission of C-CIES is to advance earthquake science while meeting natural hazard mitigation needs of communities in regions where high consequence, low frequency of incidence (HiCLoFI) earthquakes can occur.

The vision of C-CIES is to continue and expand as an interdisciplinary research center that incorporates a “Collective Impact” (CI) framework to improve understanding of and resilience to earthquakes and associated hazards in an equitable, accessible, and sustainable manner.

The Center for Collective Impact in Earthquake Science (C-CIES; pronounced sí-sí-es) seeks to become the leading interdisciplinary geohazards research center investigating high consequence, low frequency of incidence (HiC-LoFI) earthquakes, with an emphasis on community engagement and broadening participation. The NSF Geoscience Directorate launched the Centers for Innovation and Community Engagement in Solid Earth Geohazards program to transform scientific inquiry approaches through engaging local communities in the work of better understanding and addressing geohazards. Focusing on the link between community and science and recognizing geohazards as a science that impacts many populations, we designed C-CIES to respond to the Centers initiative and to innovate, transform, and disrupt exclusive ways of conducting science.

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Community Forum
"The Watering Hole"

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. 2225395.


Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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