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Access, Excellence, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

“Our plan is to develop leading edge earthquake research projects that reach deeply into our communities, and in doing so, the input we receive from these communities will help guide the science that we conduct."
Aaron Velasco, Ph.D.
C-CIES Principal Investigator
Professor of Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences at
The University of Texas at El Paso


Advance interdisciplinary earthquake science and engineering


Grow to national prominence in earthquake science


Establish a foundation for shared, value-driven understanding of science


Recruit, retain, and train the next generation of diverse, interdisciplinary earth scientists


Be responsive to the needs of all communities through use-inspired convergent research


Develop a framework for impactful convergent science that translates results to scientific discovery into actions that can improve resilience and reduce risk from geohazards


What mechanisms will allow for more informed community engagement and preparedness for high impact, under-studied events (HIUS)?

For these regions, how can we better develop models of the possible events and the effects on the human and built environment?

What mechanisms will allow for more informed community engagement and preparedness for HIUS events? Do different types of earthquakes dictate potential differences in hazard and risk for the built environment?

What are driving causes of earthquakes in regions away from plate boundaries?

Because these regions of the US have attracted less attention in the past, there are basic observations and data that are needed to understand the faulting and related hazards. Where are active faults in Puerto Rico, Intermountain West, Central, Easter United States (PRICE)?

How can science translate into better community preparation for an unexpected event? What can we learn from human behavior that would mitigate losses (both structural and human) caused by unexpected events?

We recognize that earthquakes in these intraplate regions can include discrete sequences or swarms, but understanding of these types of sequences is lacking.

What parameters are needed to improve physics-based ground motion models and scenario development/risk models for the PRICE region?

How does the built environment in HIUS areas influence risk across communities? What factors drive community preparedness for HIUS earthquakes and what are the most effective ways to educate and inform communities about the value of preparing for HIUS earthquakes?

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